25 Years of Terra: AGU Information
Going to AGU in Washington D.C. this year? Join us for several Terra-themed presentations and posters! See the most-recently updated AGU scheduled events below and the linked agenda provided by the AGU website.
Thursday, December 12, 2024
Special Session: Terra: 25 Years as the Earth Observing System Flagship Observatory (GC41D)
- GC41D-01 Twenty-five years of Mineral Exploration with ASTER Data (Michael Abrams)
- GC41D-02 Changes in Earth’s Radiation Budget Since 2000 Observed by CERES (Norman G Loeb)
- GC41D-03 From First Light to the Present Day: 25 Years of Earth Observations from the Multi-angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer (MISR) on Terra (David J Diner)
- GC41D-04 Continuing Progress and Lessons from Terra MODIS 25 Years of On-orbit Operation and Calibration (Xiaoxiong Xiong)
- GC41D-05 Exploring Carbon Monoxide Emissions Using the 25-year MOPITT Data Record (Paul Sydney Jeffery)
- GC41D-06 Continuation of the Terra/MOPITT record of global carbon monoxide (Helen Marie Worden)
- GC41D-07 The Profound Impact of 25 Years of MODIS and MISR Aerosol Observations on Studies of Global Air Quality and Health (Dr. Meredith Franklin, PhD)
- GC41D-08 Long-Term Changes and Variability in Global Ecosystem Phenology From MODIS (Mark A Friedl)
Friday, December 13, 2024
Poster Session: Terra: 25 Years as the Earth Observing System Flagship Observatory (GC51Z)
- Mapping flooding in paddy fields for estimating rice methane emissions in Ghana using remote sensing and machine learning (Yuhao Nie)
- 25 years of multi-angle aerosol retrievals from MISR (Marcin L Witek)
- Terra – 25 years of challenges and accomplishments (Kurtis J Thome)
- A 23-year Record of Forest Aboveground Biomass Density from the Multiangle Imaging Spectro-Radiometer (MISR) on Terra (Mark J Chopping)
- An Evaluation of CERES Radiometric Performance aboard Terra (Dr. Alex Jarnot, PhD)
- Assessing Groundwater Decline in the Great Basin of the Western United States Using Terra MODIS and GRACE/FO Data Products (Bryant D Loomis)
- 25 Years of Height Resolved Cloud Motion Vector Winds from MISR (Michael J Garay)
- Biophysical Effects Of Croplands On Land Surface Temperature (Yang Li)
- Bridging Terra Calibration to the Future through Intercalibration with CLARREO Pathfinder (Zhipeng Wang)
- Continuity after 25 years of MODIS global terrestrial productivity and evapotranspiration data (K. Arthur Endsley)
- Continuity in CERES Energy Balanced and Filled (EBAF) Surface Radiation Budget Derived from Terra, Aqua, and NOAA20 (Seiji Kato)
- Global forest and surface water dynamics with annual products from MODIS (Mark Carroll)
- Long-term Monitoring of Global Lakes and Reservoirs using MODIS observations (Huilin Gao)
- MISR Observed Trends in Cloud Top Height and Constraints on High Cloud Altitude Feedbacks (Travis Aerenson)
- MODIS Collection 7 Deep Blue Aerosol Products (Jaehwa Lee)
- Patterns of 21st century Cloud Change from the 22-year Terra Satellite Record (Arka Mitra)
- RadCalNet Use Best Practices for Intercomparing On-orbit Remote Sensors (Brian N Wenny)
- Sensitivity of CERES Angular Distribution Models to ENSO Phase (Sergio Sejas)
- Silver Target: The MODIS Dark Target Aerosol Algorithm after 25 Years (Robert C Levy)
- Terra and Aqua MODIS Calibration for Collection 7 Level 1B (Gal Sarid)
- Terra Orbit Drift and its Impacts on MODIS Geometric Performance (Guoqing Lin)
- The MODIS Collection 7 cloud products: How we got here and where we’re going (Kerry Meyer)
- Twenty-Five Years of the MODIS BRDF, Albedo, and NBAR Products (Zhuosen Wang)
- Twenty-five years of understanding cloud structure from MISR: from stereographic to tomographic retrievals (Larry Di Girolamo)
- Analysis of Satellite-Derived CO Retrievals During the Recent Wildfires in North America (James R Drummond)
- Wildfire Smoke, Desert Dust, Volcanic and Pollution Aerosol Plumes: Aerosol Research from the Multi-angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer (MISR) aboard NASA’s Terra Satellite (Ralph A Kahn)